Elizabeth is now called Blue. Her new mom writes, “I am happy to say that not only does Blue have a happy ending but we do as well! When we first got Blue she was a nervous nelly. She was abused early on in her life and she had hopped from home to home. Now she is in her final home. She is a happy confident dog who is always wagging her tail. She is one of the calmest Jack Russell mixes I have ever come across, and never barks. She is just a sweetheart. She follows me all over the yard while keeping an eye out for squirrels to chase. At night she is a perfect little lap dog that curls up in my lap while we watch tv. She is very smart and already knows how to sit and lie down. She has such soulful eyes that are so loving. I am so happy that we found each other:) She is a wonderful dog with a gentle spirit. Thank you so much for all your help and making her life and our lives so much better.”