Become A Sponsor
Are you the owner of a business, or do you work for a corporation? Is your organization looking for a significant cause with whom to partner? If the answer is “yes”, then seriously think about becoming a PetConnect Rescue Corporate Sponsor.
PetConnect Rescue is dedicated to saving dogs and cats at high-risk of euthanasia. Our compassionate volunteers and staff find loving homes for all the animals that come into our care and provide ongoing support throughout the adoption process and beyond. We are committed to ensuring a highly positive rescue experience for our adopters and to raising awareness of the plight of abandoned animals through community education.
Each year, PetConnect Rescue saves close to 1300 cats and dogs. We do this through establishing solid partnerships with high-kill shelters, engaging our incredible volunteer network, and by utilizing a proven adoption process through which we make “good fit” matches for our animals.
Unfortunately, the work of animal rescue is never done.
So, how can we help each other? Our audience is your audience. And, your organization has the ability to use its power for good in the community. Through financial corporate sponsorship, you can help sustain critical PetConnect Rescue operations such as animal transport and the medical and vet care needed to nurse our animals back to health. In return, we give you corporate “love” with plenty of positive press in our monthly newsletters, on our website, and on our highly active social media sites (Facebook and Instagram).
Together, we can make a significant difference in our community. For more information, contact us at If you would like to submit you information to us, please provide the content below and upload an image of your logo. We will contact you as soon as we receive your submission.