PCR Stats
Our 2018 Stats & Save Rate
PetConnect Rescue has consistently saved between 700-800 animals per year since 2012. Last year, approximately 1062 of these fortunate dogs and cats found their forever homes with the help of our devoted staff and volunteers. We focus our efforts where the needs are most desperate. The vast majority of our animals are rescued from overcrowded, out-of-area shelters with very limited resources. We also pull from local shelters, help alleviate hoarding situations, and if enough fosters are available, take a small percentage of owner surrenders. Adopters who are no longer able to maintain ownership of their PetConnect Rescue dogs or cats are expected to contact us. In those scenarios, we make every effort to either provide guidance so that the animals may remain in their new homes, or we admit the animals back into our adoption program. In the spring and summer, we save as many pregnant moms and new families as we are able from inundated shelters and euthanasia. As a result, some of our puppies and kittens are born into foster care where they will remain until they are old enough to be adopted out. In 2018, we also assisted North Carolina, South Carolina, Southern Virginia, and West Virginia that were impacted by Hurricane Florence.
PetConnect Rescue is committed to every animal that enters into our program, providing necessary medical care and training to prepare them for adoption. We stand by our animals for as long as it takes to find them a good home. Despite many carefully planned safety measures, some animals may have health or maladaptive behavioral issues that are too severe to treat. For these cases, PetConnect Rescue relies on the recommendations of highly qualified veterinary professionals to appropriately address each situation and take the most humane steps to ensure good quality of life, if possible. We must also keep human safety in the forefront of any decision regarding aggression. This is not only due to liability concerns but also the trust and responsibility that has been bestowed upon us along with the value that we place on human life and the well-being of our community. Please find our 2018 animals stats below as well as our save rate. We also report our monthly stats externally through the Shelter Animals Count national database. To see our archived 2017 stats, click here.